Monday, April 27, 2009

First Lady Michelle Obama

First Michelle Obama Fashion Tome About to Drop

By Alisa Gould-Simon April 27, 2009

The debut Michelle Obama fashion book is gearing up to hit bookstore shelves May 5, just in time for the First Lady’s “100 days in Washington” benchmark (a smart move on the publisher’s part, since it’s likewise just shy of Mother’s Day). As for the pitch behind the tome: “It’s her journey to the White House through the filter of her style,” says author Mandi Norwood of the book, Michelle Style: Celebrating the First Lady of Fashion. So, in other words, the book simply documents the looks that have so far garnered the First Lady her reputation as a fashion icon (surely with some style musings and tips). The concept isn’t exactly earth-shattering, but considering it’s the first of its kind, the title is sure to sell well.
In the meantime, if you’re ever in need of a Michelle Obama fashion fix, check out New York magazine’s ever-expanding gallery of every look the First Lady has donned since her first days in office. Regardless, don’t expect the First Lady fashion book trend to let up anytime soon. The folks behind the First Lady fashion blog Mrs. O have a book in the works too. And in all likelihood, a few more will follow suit before total Mrs. O style oversaturation occurs.

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